Couples Therapy
Couples therapy is basically a dedicated time and place to explore your relationship with a trained, impartial, objective third party. While sustainable progress takes time, couples often experience some relief within the first few sessions by virtue of creating this intentional space and knowing there will be a dedicated time to address difficulties that occur throughout the hectic week. This work allows both partners to feel a higher sense of safety and greater degree of comfort in communicating frustrations, needs and desires. Reactive or defensive styles of responding can be identified, explored and understood. Alternative ways of communicating are developed and space is created for a more honest, productive conversation.
Through the process, both partners gain relevant insights about themselves, their partner, the dynamics of the relationship and how each of these factors can ebb and flow through both satisfaction and sorrow. This typically involves looking at specific sources of conflict, the underlying meaning it has for each partner and coping/communication styles around these issues. The process helps couples to step out of ongoing, cyclical frustrations and experience their partner with a new level of understanding, empathy and affection. With a little bit of work the couple will be able to each other more clearly, listen with an open heart and feel capable of working through obstacles that impede wellbeing.